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 Content of 2008 Scripting Games Advanced VBScript Event 10.vbs
MD5 Hash: 3B8EE6F18D27F5D75D371242B9013EA3
' This is my Solution for the Scripting Games 2008
' For more Information look at
' http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/funzone/games/games08.mspx

Option Explicit

Dim sDealerCards
Dim sPlayerCards
Dim iDealerPoints
Dim iPlayerPoints
Dim iCountCardOut : iCountCardOut = 0

Call Main()

' ---------------------------------------
Sub Main()

Dim iCount, iCount2
Dim iCards : iCards = 0

Dim arrTemplateCards(12)
Dim arrCards(51,1)

Dim bPlay : bPlay = true
Dim iRound : iRound = 0

arrTemplateCards(0) = "Two"
arrTemplateCards(1) = "Three"
arrTemplateCards(2) = "Four"
arrTemplateCards(3) = "Five"
arrTemplateCards(4) = "Six"
arrTemplateCards(5) = "Seven"
arrTemplateCards(6) = "Eight"
arrTemplateCards(7) = "Nine"
arrTemplateCards(8) = "Ten"
arrTemplateCards(9) = "Jack"
arrTemplateCards(10) = "Queen"
arrTemplateCards(11) = "King"
arrTemplateCards(12) = "Ace"

For iCount = 1 to 4

For iCount2 = 0 to Ubound(arrTemplateCards)

Select Case iCount

Case 1

arrCards(iCards,0) = arrTemplateCards(iCount2) & " of Hearts"
arrCards(iCards,1) = GetCardScore(arrTemplateCards(iCount2))
iCards = iCards +1

Case 2

arrCards(iCards,0) = arrTemplateCards(iCount2) & " of Spades"
arrCards(iCards,1) = GetCardScore(arrTemplateCards(iCount2))
iCards = iCards +1

Case 3

arrCards(iCards,0) = arrTemplateCards(iCount2) & " of Diamonds"
arrCards(iCards,1) = GetCardScore(arrTemplateCards(iCount2))
iCards = iCards +1

Case 4

arrCards(iCards,0) = arrTemplateCards(iCount2) & " of Clubs"
arrCards(iCards,1) = GetCardScore(arrTemplateCards(iCount2))
iCards = iCards +1

End Select


For iCount = 0 to RadomeInt(13)
call MixArray(arrCards)

Dim sStayOrHit
Dim StdIn, StdOut
Set StdIn = WScript.StdIn
Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut

Do until bPlay = false

iRound = iRound +1

Select Case iRound

Case 1

Call AddCardPlayer(arrCards)
Call AddCardPlayer(arrCards)
Call EchoCards(sPlayerCards, "Player")

Call AddCardDealer(arrCards)
Call EchoCards(sDealerCards, "Dealer")
Call AddCardDealer(arrCards)

Case Else

If iPlayerPoints = 21 then

wscript.echo "You have 21. You win."
bPlay = false
Exit Sub

Elseif iPlayerPoints > 21 then

wscript.echo "Over 21. Sorry, you lose."
bPlay = false
Exit Sub


StdOut.Write "Stay (s) or hit (h)?"
sStayOrHit = StdIn.ReadLine

Select Case Ucase(sStayOrHit)

Case "S"
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo "You have " & iPlayerPoints & "."
wscript.echo ""
bPlay = false

Case "H"
Call AddCardPlayer(arrCards)
wscript.echo ""
Call EchoCards(sPlayerCards, "Player")

End Select

End if

End Select


If Ucase(sStayOrHit) = "S" then

Call EchoCards(sDealerCards, "Dealer")
If iDealerPoints >= iPlayerPoints then

wscript.echo "The dealer has " & iDealerPoints & ". Sorry, you lose."
Exit Sub

End if

bPlay = true

Do until bPlay = false

If iDealerPoints > 21 then

wscript.echo "The dealer has " & iDealerPoints & ". You win."
bPlay = false
Exit Sub

ElseIf iDealerPoints >= iPlayerPoints then
wscript.echo "The dealer has " & iDealerPoints & ". Sorry, you lose."
bPlay = false
Exit Sub

Call AddCardDealer(arrCards)
Call EchoCards(sDealerCards, "Dealer")

End if

End if

End Sub

' --------------------------------------
Private Function AddCardPlayer(arrSource)

sPlayerCards = sPlayerCards & arrSource(iCountCardOut,0) & ","
iPlayerPoints = iPlayerPoints + arrSource(iCountCardOut,1)

iCountCardOut = iCountCardOut +1

End Function

' --------------------------------------
Private Function AddCardDealer(arrSource)

sDealerCards = sDealerCards & arrSource(iCountCardOut,0) & ","
iDealerPoints = iDealerPoints + arrSource(iCountCardOut,1)

iCountCardOut = iCountCardOut +1

End Function

' --------------------------------------
Private Function EchoCards(strCards, gTyp)

Dim arrstrCards, iCount

strCards = Left(strCards, Len(strCards) -1)

If IsArray(arrstrCards) then Erase arrstrCards

arrstrCards = Split(strCards, ",", -1, 1)

Select Case gTyp

Case "Player"
wscript.echo "Your cards:"
Case "Dealer"
wscript.echo "Dealer's cards:"
End Select

For iCount = 0 to Ubound(arrstrCards)

wscript.echo arrstrCards(iCount)


wscript.echo ""
strCards = strCards & ","

End Function

' --------------------------------------
Private Function MixArray(arrSource)
Dim iCount
Dim iMix
Dim tmpField, tmpField2

For iCount = 0 to Ubound(arrSource)

iMix = RadomeInt(52) -1

tmpField = arrSource(iMix,0)
tmpField2 = arrSource(iMix,1)

arrSource(iMix,0) = arrSource(iCount,0)
arrSource(iMix,1) = arrSource(iCount,1)

arrSource(iCount,0) = tmpField
arrSource(iCount,1) = tmpField2

End Function

' --------------------------------------
Private Function GetCardScore(sCardName)

Select Case sCardName

Case "Two"
GetCardScore = 2

Case "Three"
GetCardScore = 3

Case "Four"
GetCardScore = 4

Case "Five"
GetCardScore = 5

Case "Six"
GetCardScore = 6

Case "Seven"
GetCardScore = 7

Case "Eight"
GetCardScore = 8

Case "Nine"
GetCardScore = 9

Case "Jack","Queen","King", "Ten"
GetCardScore = 10

Case "Ace"
GetCardScore = 11

End Select

End Function

Private Function RadomeInt(iMax)

RadomeInt = Int((iMax * Rnd) + 1)

End Function

   © 2008 - 2013 Boris Toll      :: Scripts available: 6.481 ::      :: scriptbox.toll.at ::      :: powered by www.toll.at ::
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